The Challenge of Change: Resilience Training and Stress Management. Based in Neuroscience and Mindfulness

The Challenge of Change: Resilience Training and Stress Management. Based in Neuroscience and Mindfulness
Datum 14. Oktober 2023
Preis ab 600 Euro

A resilience program based in Neuroscience, Psychometrics and Mindfulness
“More than stress-free days, our philosophy is to offer you the tools for a stress-free lifestyle”

Participants take away from the day:
(i) An explanation of why conventional stress management doesn’t work.
(ii) An understanding of the difference between day-to-day and post-traumatic stress.
(iii) A clear understanding of what stress is, the difference between pressure and stress, and why we can choose to not become stressed by pressure.
(iv) An understanding of the costs for not managing stress effectively.
(v) An explanation of their own habitual strengths and weaknesses, based on the pre-training Personality and Coping Skills Profile.
(vi) A practical, four-stage set of strategies for addressing vulnerabilities and developing resilience skills.
(vi) A practical strategy for communicating more effectively
(viii) Action plans based on commitments to change
(ix) A comprehensive workbook and access to mindfulness exercises via the website.
(x) Unlimited access to the Challenge of Change Refresher for a period of one month, commencing 90 days post-training.



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